History Of Jeans

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History of Jeans

Jeans are one of the most essential clothing that every person can have. Almost all of us own at least a pair of these item and every closet on every house has one. Regardless of culture or society most of us prefer wearing jeans when we go out of the house. Going to a park, traveling, and even going to work. So why is it that jeans are this famous? People say that they wear jeans because it's comfortable yet durable. Is it really made for everyday use? Let us find out.

In 18th century workers wore it because it is strong and doesn't tear up easily. It is made out of cotton and a mixture of things. It is colored in indigo, a dye that was originally from America and India. And thus making it dark bluish in general.

In 19th century came the Gold Rush in California. Miners from all over the Continent races each other into mining gold. Because of the rush, miners need a jeans because it does not tear up easily and can be worn comfortably. Then a man named Leob Strauss from New York moved to California to start a wholesale business on jeans. And then later changed his name to Levi'.

In the early 20th century American wear jeans while riding horses so that it can withstand its duration while riding. They are called Cowboys. These men wear jeans and pair it up with large leather boots and a half gallon hat. In the succeeding years America gained popularity when in terms of culture and style. And people from other countries started the demand on jeans so that they can cope up with the hype. And thus the jeans became popular around the globe and shows no sign of letting up. Today's fashion are now what it is because of history.

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My Agenda

History of Jeans and other jean related products, their Fashion Trends and other related topics about History of Fashion.It also highlights the celebrities who are seen wearing casual designer jeans and other designer clothing. The main agenda of the blog is to give people the idea how important is the history of jeans to the society and how it connects normal people and the superstars.

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