Levis' New Commercial

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History of Jeans

A new Levis Strauss and Co. TV advertisement is now airing. The ad is entitled "New Story" which features a married couple who discovered that their jeans in their clothesline is being stolen by a fugitive. Cute story.. Let's watch..

Couple watch TV in underwear in Levi's TV Ad

This one minute commercial starts with somewhat a helicoptered shot on an open space, having a Live Media analysis reporting the actions of the policemen and the fugitive. The scene is then switched into a street chasing of policemen and the fugitive who is hiding behind the police patrol car. Inside the apartment is a couple who are watching on their T.V. wearing just their cute underwear. Then the rascal goes out the car and scamper to the couple's apartment.

The husband starts to panic after he realized that the scene on the television is their own backyard.

The television announcer warns the viewers that the escaped criminal wears white colored pants with red colored upper shirt. The criminal urgently have to change his clothes and from there he spotted the couple's drying jeans.

Levis News Story television commercial

Well, I won't tell you the complete story or else it would be a hassle. I've downloaded the complete commercial for you to enjoy my dear readers...

The super: “Levi’s 501 The Original”.

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My Agenda

History of Jeans and other jean related products, their Fashion Trends and other related topics about History of Fashion.It also highlights the celebrities who are seen wearing casual designer jeans and other designer clothing. The main agenda of the blog is to give people the idea how important is the history of jeans to the society and how it connects normal people and the superstars.

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